Emily Rose Fraga Chambers
Emily Rose Fraga Chambers is CSNSF’s Administrator. Her responsibilities center on implementing projects to support CSNSF’s board and Director mission. These include facilitating Family Systems Forum subscription and distribution, managing the website and publicity, developing programs and community partners, and managing the CSNSF office.
Emily is a native Houstonian who graduated from the University of Houston in 2015 with a degree in History focusing on the History of Houston and contemporary issues in the Middle East. Emily’s interest in the family system began with her research for the article Fragas: A Hundred Years in the East End for the University of Houston’s Houston History Magazine. Through interviews with multiple family members and independent research, the article focused on her mother’s family’s immigration to the United States and their contribution to Houston’s historic East End and Houston’s Mexican American community. Since starting her work in Bowen theory in 2017, she has focused on how Bowen theory can assist in her personal and professional systems in various positions in wealth management and local non-profit administration. She most recently worked as a research and briefing paralegal in family law, specializing in defending the rights of children and parents to promote the family system in the highest courts in Texas.
Additionally, from 2020 to 2023, Emily served on the board of Houston Alliance for Latinx Arts to engage with and foster leadership within Houston’s Latinx arts communities, actively share their talents and connect via professional development, promote artistic collaboration, and advocate for policy changes in our City’s and County’s fiscal structure for equitable funding for Hispanic/Latino/a/x/Mexican American artists and arts organizations.
Fragas: A Hundred Years in the East End Houston Alliance for Latinx Arts