In 1972, Dr. Bowen was invited by the Environmental Protection Agency to present at a symposium on the environmental crisis.  He wrote more about his thinking in a section of a paper, “Society, Crisis and Systems Theory,” page 447 in Family Therapy in Clinical Practice:

“Man and His Environmental Crisis”

“The systems approach postulates that the environmental problem has been created by biological man (in contrast to intellectual man) as he has evolved, developed, and propagated; that man has permitted the environmental problem to develop so far he is beginning to threaten his future existence…and that constructive solutions to the problems will depend on the highest functioning of intellectual man in directing total man toward solutions.”  P. 447. 

The following organizations and websites provide resources for facts about climate change and its impact and ways to move toward solutions at personal and societal levels. These are curated by Victoria Harrison, who uses them to educate herself and determine how to take thoughtful action.

Citizen’s Climate Lobby provides information about educational programs and opportunities to participate in thoughtful activities to influence local, national, and international solutions.

Inside Climate News is an online source of nonpartisan articles about the impact of human action and climate changes on our local environments as well as on the planet.

We make climate change about health. Our mission is to make health and equity central to how we think, talk, and act on climate change. We mobilize and empower health professionals to make it happen.